Natalie Related News

Ben Megaupdate

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I know, I know. This is a Natalie site, not a Ben site. But like a venn diagram, there is now definitely an overlap. More to the point, there just isn’t any Natalie news right now.

So today we’ve got a few different things relating to Benjamin, starting with a look at the ballet he’s working on in Geneva.

Then we have two video interviews with French TV over here and here. Finally, after the jump, an interview with Geneva Opera via a translation.

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Scream Awards

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The results of Spike TV's Scream Awards are now out, and congratulations to Natalie for taking home Best Fantasy Actress for Black Swan. That wasn't the only Swan love, as…

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Jenkins Official

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Patty Jenkins, of Monster fame, has now officially landed the directing gig for Thor 2. Below is the press release taken from Deadline Hollywood. Marvel Studios announced today that Patty…

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Thor 2 Moves

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Thor 2 was due to arrive in theatres on July 16th 2013, but due to a very packed July, Thor is taking his hammer and hightailing it to November 15th.…

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There is a really remarkable charcoal and oil portrait of Natalie in the latest Saatchi Gallery Showdown, and you can help it do well by voting. The artist had another…

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