Benjamin Tidbits
Fanatical found a few Benjamin interviews that might be of interest to those of you who like Ben, and for everyone else there are some Natalie mentions to enjoy.
First up is an interview with Maxim, in which there is this funny exchange.
You’re engaged to Natalie Portman – which of your moves do you think impressed her the most?
[laughs] I think it was lifting her over my head. I didn’t know at the time, but Dirty Dancing is one of her favorite films. So I think that was a good move.
Then there’s a French article, which Carlotto or one of our other French regulars will have to translate anything of importance.
Finally, an interview with Vanity Fair Italy. After the jump we have the full translation but here is a little excerpt.
I read that you and Natalie fell in love dancing together. It that right?
I think it would have happened anyway. And I consider myself lucky to be in love, we both are, I think. But generally speaking, dancing with someone certainly can facilitate the emergence of a relationship; There are two bodies that move along with the rhythm of the music, there is proximity. The dance communicates who we are.