Talking Malick
News is thin on the ground as we all wait for Natalie to get in front of the camera again. We're probably at least a couple months away from that,…
Natalie Related News
News is thin on the ground as we all wait for Natalie to get in front of the camera again. We're probably at least a couple months away from that,…
I've updated the gallery with some new photos of Natalie at the Vanity Fair Oscar Party. The last 9 HQs on the top of the page are new, the rest…
I love visual tricks that point out the chinks in our cognitive system, so adding Natalie to a neat new illusion from the University of Amsterdam was always going to…
The ABC pilot, which Natalie has a producing credit on, now has a star in the form of Claire "wow, I haven't thought about her in ages" Forlani. The pilot…
Cherryvanilla found some great new-old photos of Natalie on the set and behind-the-scenes of Your Highness (the gallery won't mark them new--they're the last three).
We've got quite an eclectic batch of tidbits for you guys today. Let's hop to it. - Australian Marie Claire got surgeons to fess up as to what celebrity body…
Novelist Cormac McCarthy has become very respected in the film world of late, with The Road and the Academy Award winning, No Country For Old Men. He has now sidestepped…
Natalie was spotted out yesterday evening paying the valet after a dinner with Benjamin and Aleph (not pictured) and Il Covo in Beverely Hills. Candid photos courtesy of Just Jared.