Gallery Updates
I've updated the gallery with two more new-old photos of Natalie on the set and behind-the-scenes of Your Highness.
Natalie Related News
I've updated the gallery with two more new-old photos of Natalie on the set and behind-the-scenes of Your Highness.
This painted Leon poster, from Massimo Carnevale, is extraordinary. What else can one say but "wow".
Bloomberg reported that Natalie and former screen mom, Susan Sarandon, wrote notes and threw their weight behind a message to plead for the violence in Syria to stop. This is…
A few mini updates to kick off the new week. - We've mentioned Natalie's stylist, Kate Young, on the site quite a bit recently, and today we're bringing her up…
Terrence Malick was on hand to film Rooney Mara at SXSW in Austin. Malick has previously shot pre-production around other Austin festivals, so it's unclear whether this is more of…
Dazza in praising something Star Wars related shocker. No way to get around it, this is just one kickass poster. Here's a closer look at what's going on in the…
Bellasugar are doing their beauty awards and have set up a bracket voting system where you vote on matchups until there is just one celebrity left. When you're finished you…
I've updated the gallery with a new-old production still from Black Swan. If it looks familiar, that's because it was featured on this For Your Consideration ad.