Natalie Related News

Box Office Draw

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The Playlist has a new article up, in which they break down the female actresses who have the biggest box office heat, while at the same time wondering if any of them are reliable in the “bums in seats” department.

The Potential: It’s amazing to believe that Natalie Portman’s been around for nearly twenty years, but thanks to “Star Wars” and “V For Vendetta,” she’s long since made clear that she’s more than just a teen star.

The Pros: Portman had an excellent late 2010/early 2011, with the surprise smash status of “Black Swan” (which also won her an Oscar), plus the overperformance of “No Strings Attached” and the resounding success of superhero pic “Thor,” in which she was the biggest star. Pregnancy has prevented her from jumping on anything else, but she’s got lots of potentials, from Ridley Scott’s “The Counselor” to the next Wachowskis movie.


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Not Again

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Natalie has had bad luck with film titles. No Strings Attached was originally Fuck Buddies, then shifted to a more audience friendly Friends With Benefits, only to have to change…

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Nice batch of mini updates today. Hopefully something more significant is just around the corner. - Jonah Hill is having a good few months with an Oscar nomination and 21…

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