Watch The Music Video
The Natalie version of the music video is here and...well it's sweet and she looks pretty. It's also a little sad, which is nice. But like her first foray into…
Natalie Related News
The Natalie version of the music video is here and...well it's sweet and she looks pretty. It's also a little sad, which is nice. But like her first foray into…
I think it was about 5 years ago when Natalie appeared in Michel Gondry's music video for Paul McCartney, and Paul (or perhaps daughter Stella) has gotten Natalie to sign…
WWD has a new photo an interview with Natalie, from the Paris visit, but the interview is only for subscribers. So if anyone out there is a subscriber…*nudge nudge*.
We do have a couple quotes from the interview, thanks to British Vogue, but of most importance is this really nice new photo.
I've updated the gallery with a new photo of Natalie speaking at the Dior and Free The Children press event in Paris last week.
A couple days ago Maribel sent a Slashfilm link about Angelina Jolie potentially joining Ridley Scott's upcoming The Counselor. In the article they still mention that Natalie is in talks…
I've updated the gallery with a new photo of Natalie posing at Dior's Candelight Delight dinner in Paris last week.
Sorry for the late update, it's been a mad day. Tidbits and stuff! - Natalie was at a gig on Sunday night, where Johnny Depp played drums, guitar and bass…
More warm fuzzy feeling news - the Burmese political figure, Aung San Suu Kyi, who has spent a large portion of her life under house arrest by the ruling regime,…