Thor Love and Thunder: Tickets on Sale Today
Finally! Thor Love and Thunder tickets go on sale today. These last few days we had various pieces of marketing announcing the event. This is a small sample of them:
(more…)Natalie Related News
Finally! Thor Love and Thunder tickets go on sale today. These last few days we had various pieces of marketing announcing the event. This is a small sample of them:
A first clip of Thor Love and Thunder has been released during the MTV Awards this Sunday. It’s basically an extended clip of Thor’s (Chris Hemsworth) first encounter with Jane Foster’s Thor (Natalie), seen in the trailer. The short video is after the jump:
A new promo, subtitled in Spanish, has emerged on twitter. In the video we can see Chris and Natalie “competing” to see who is the most powerful Thor. Enjoy:
It’s been a while since we’ve seen a chat on Natalie’s Instagram dedicated to her book club. This time she had a conversation with Julia May Jonas, author of “Vladimir”, the April book pick. The link is after the jump:
The full trailer is finally here, with an extensive look at Natalie as Jane Foster (and Mighty Thor), and Christian Bale as Gorr, the God butcher. We also have a spectacular poster with clear eighties inspirations. Enjoy:
The first full trailer for Thor Love and Thunder can finally be seen this Monday during the game 4 of the NBA Eastern Conference Finals: