Natalie Related News


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New week. New tidbits! - If this report is accurate, a noisy Aleph (little dude, your mom is Natalie Portman, there is nothing to cry about unless it's tears of…

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Gallery Updates

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I've update the gallery with a bunch of new additions to last week's candid photos of Natalie and family arriving in Paris and going for a stroll in the Saint-Germain-des-Prés…

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Please Sir

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Well damn, I guess we're going to have to have a bonus round for our ongoing pic battle. Reason being is that we now have three new photos added to…

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Just two items today but they're arguably important enough to have updates of their own. I'm probably just being lazy by lumping them together. - Yesterday was World Music Day…

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How cute is this Tumblr photo, found by Garcy, of Natalie and Benjamin sharing a private (sorryyyyy!) moment on the dance floor?

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Kat Back?

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In a new interview, Natalie's friend and co-star in Thor, Kat Dennings, is asked towards the end if she will be in Thor 2 or any other Marvel films. Kat…

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Busy Really Busy

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Filipe sent in this brief interview with Natalie. After reading the first few questions I felt like there wasn’t going to be anything new, but lo and behold, the last few questions teased out some new details from Natalie.

Do you have any acting role models?
I love Holly Hunter, as well as Isabelle Huppert, Juliette Binoche, Meryl Streep, Cate Blanchett and Julianne Moore. I met Isabelle Huppert after a play in Athens, in Greece. She did a very avant-garde version of A Streetcar Named Desire.

What is a day in Natalie Portman‘s life like?
I play with a lot of blocks! I spend most of the day playing, singing or changing diapers. I make food – rice, pasta, vegetables, beans. In the afternoon, I have meetings or phone calls for my production company or I read scripts, then there’s more playing with the baby, or going into the pool.


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Just a couple tidbits tonight. The theme: life! - Natalie has been nominated for the ALIVE Awards and normally I have no problem with Natalie being up for awards but…

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