Natalie Related News


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Nothing major on the news front this weekend, so let's knock out a few mini updates... - Natalie is apparently an honorary ambassador for the Everyone Matters campaign, which can…

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Congrats to Edenliao, who will now be loved by Rachel (and probably many other Natalie fans) forever. I say that because she has found a HQ version of one of…

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Nude Is Here

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All Hail Edenliao for finding the much anticipated clear view of Natalie's new Dior Nude print ads. So begins the anticipated wait for HQ versions... UPDATE - HQ version of…

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And So It Is

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Natalie was photographed after leaving lunch at Square One in Hollywood yesterday. A bit of a palate cleanser after the last batch of candid photos. In fact, Natalie almost looks…

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Sorry for the lack of updates. Still really busy in realworldland. It's been a quiet day in Natalie news so let's catch up on a few mini news items. -…

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