Natalie Related News

In Austin?

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Yesterday LightsCameraReaction posted this Tumblr update saying that Natalie, Christian Bale and Ryan Gosling were filming in Austin. I wasn't sure if that was based on fact or just hearing…

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Obama Event #2

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Natalie spoke at an event for Obama in Las Vegas a few weeks back, and she's doing it again in Cincinnati on Wednesday. A city that she campaigned in, for…

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Gallery Updates

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I've replaced most of the photos from Natalie's Alexi Lubomirski editorial (featured in the Stars in Dior coffee table book) with larger, higher quality versions. Again, a huge thanks to…

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Back At LAX

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Natalie was photographed at LAX airport yesterday. Not sure if she's arriving or leaving (presumably to Terrence Malick's film in Austin or Thor 2 in England) but it doesn't appear…

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