Natalie Related News


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  We've got a great batch of tidbits so let's not waste any time... - First up the big news was that the new Dior TV spot aired during the…

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Wild Horses

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  Perhaps it's to help get into the Western mood for Jane Got A Gun, but whatever the reason, I think we can all appreciate how hilariously awesome Natalie's sweater…

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  Today's mini updates are focused inwards. - First up a little news from my source. I asked about Eating Animals, the documentary that Natalie was setting up a year…

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HQ Dior Ad

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  The current poll shines a line on one Dior print advert and now we have the HQ version of the other (and far better, imo) Dior print ad. A…

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Get the Look

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Late last month, Natalie was spotted wearing Theonne's Iona Engineered Rib Sweater in black (currently on sale) with a pair of Dior's Cat's Eye Sunglasses. Thanks to Kitten for the…

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Jovial Outing

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  These new photos, of Natalie and Benjamin enjoying lunch with friends in Los Feliz, are probably my favourite set in a long time. Great to see her looking so…

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A really nice batch of mini updates for you guys this evening. Starting with…

– Rodrigo Santoro, an actor Natalie was romantically linked with several years ago (there wasn’t anything tangible to the rumour though), has joined the cast of Jane Got A Gun. He joins Natalie, Michael Fassbender and, even though I don’t think it was completely confirmed yet, Joel Edgerton. Rodrigo is probably best known for the role of Xerses in 300 and one of the more disliked characters on Lost. But he’s been pretty good with smaller roles in a few other films like Che. Certainly appears like female Natalie fans are going to have plenty of eye candy to feast on.

– Badass Digest has a video up breaking down Marvel’s phase two plans. It’s a nice summary of what we can expect and Thor 2 obviously comes under the microscope. If the embed below doesn’t work, try here.

– Finally, an old school Natalie fan called Stephen mailed me that he has a bunch of old magazines featuring her. If someone is willing to pay the delivery fee, he’s happy to pass them along to a “good home”. I’ll include a list of the publications as well as a photo after the jump. If you’re interested email me and I’ll forward on to Stephen.


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