Gallery Updates
I’ve updated the gallery with a few new-old V for Vendetta production stills and promotional photos.
There is a larger (cropped and colorized) version of the above here. Hit the jump for three promo variations.
Natalie Related News
I’ve updated the gallery with a few new-old V for Vendetta production stills and promotional photos.
There is a larger (cropped and colorized) version of the above here. Hit the jump for three promo variations.
Kitten spotted a new image of Natalie, from Thor: The Dark World, in the German trailer for the film. Click that new image below to view it. In addition,…
Wow. Natalie joined Benjamin at a special NY event honouring Benjamin for his upcoming role as the director of the Paris Opera Ballet...but there can be no greater honour…
Cosmic Book News and have a couple of Thor: The Dark World promotional goodies for you all. First up is an UHQ, text-free version of the official poster featuring the cast.
An HQ, watermark-free version of the concept art featuring Jane Foster and Thor in Asgard is after the jump.
Actors interviewing actors can be a lot of fun, like when Natalie was interviewed by Hugo Weaving (and vice versa) for V For Vendetta, or when she was joined…
Eden has found two more new photos from Natalie’s latest Frederic Auerbach shoot for Dior, featured in Yo Dona’s September 7th 2013 issue. Keep ’em coming!
Some more goodies from Madame Le Figaro today. We've added five new editorial photos following Natalie's promotional tour for her Rouge Dior campaign in Tokyo last June. Thanks to…
It's been too damn long since we've had some strong magazine appearances, so I'm over the moon at all the great content from the last few days. It was…