Natalie Related News

Thor Tidbits

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  Got a couple Thor tidbits for you guys. - Wasn't that long ago that there were whispers about Marvel not being happy with director Alan Taylor's work on Thor…

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Gallery Updates

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  I've updated the gallery with two new oldies from 2010, this time of Natalie attending the Rodarte SS2011 after party hosted by Kate and Laura Mulleavy at The Bunker…

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Rouge Video

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  Below we have a really nice video about the history of Rouge Dior, which has a short but cool Natalie appearance/mention towards the 2 minute mark. Thanks to Eden…

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Grazia Translation

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A big thanks to Corina for taking the time to translate most of the Germany Grazia interview. Not too much majorly new, but I liked the quote about hiding in her bed. I can relate.

Welcome to “la vie en rose” (the pink life) of Natalie Portman:

Miss Portman: How pink is your life really?

“The (life) rhythm of an actress is rather inconsistent, which has advantages and disadvantages. But probably I am like every working mother. I have to organize myself, plan and juggle. . Thank God I have phases in which I can take a break from acting and concentrate fully on my son.”

This must be the moments away from the red carpet without any make up…

“I have always used lipstick but mainly in natural colors. I like shades of nude like Grège. These I can use spontaneously, without even thinking about it. ”

Meaning that the red lipstick is used for very special occasions only….?

“Not only. I personally prefer red lipstick with jeans and stilettos even more. This combination of clothes I wear much more than an evening dress. ”

How do you stay in shape?

“Jogging, Swimming and “gyrotonics” (a mixture of dance, yoga and gymnastics: it strengthens the spine)”


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Gallery Updates

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  I've updated the gallery with a new-old photo of Natalie and Mila Kunis attending a Q&A at the BAFTA Los Angeles screening of Black Swan in November 2010. Thanks…

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  A couple tidbits for you guys today. Starting with... - Natalie telling Madame Figaro magazine that she would like to look into gaining French citizenship. "I don't have the…

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