Natalie Related News


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  This video claims to be a behind the scenes look at Jane Got A Gun. Hopefully some time this year we might actually get some official marketing material, but…

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Nat And Bat

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  A new candid of Natalie and Aleph (Ben was there too) has arrived to make me feel a bit silly about my Batman t-shirt. The photo was taken at…

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Leaking Tidbits

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The Sony leak took on some really dramatic turns last week but in the margins are a few more Natalie related mentions. None are particularly newsworthy but, in the absence of any other news, they will have to do.

– Let’s begin with the writer of the Jobs script, Aaron Sorkin, whose leaked email touches on “Hollywood’s women problem.” His thesis seems to be that there are not enough great roles being written for women and then proves the point by comparing male Oscar wins with lesser female Oscar wins.

“Cate gave a terrific performance in Blue Jasmine but nothing close to the degree of difficulty for any of the five Best Actor nominees. Daniel Day-Lewis had to give the performance he gave in Lincoln to win–Jennifer Lawrence won for Silver Linings Playbook, in which she did what a professional actress is supposed to be able to do. Colin Firth/Natalie Portman. Phil Hoffman had to transform himself into Truman Capote while Julia Roberts won for being brassy in Erin Brockovich. Sandra Bullock won for ‘The Blind Side’ and Al Pacino lost for both Godfather movies. Helen Mirren and Meryl Streep can play with the boys but there just aren’t that many tour-de-force roles out there for women.”

Thankfully, the Daily Beast writer made the following point in response, and thus saved my forehead from meeting my keyboard.

It’s tough to compare the “degree of difficulty” of different performances on film. And while Sorkin has a valid central point here—that there aren’t enough quality scripts championing female characters, which leads to less complex roles for women—it’s a bit strange to say that Blanchett’s turn in Blue Jasmine was any less difficult to pull off then Bruce Dern’s in Nebraska, or that Colin Firth’s turn in The King’s Speech measured up to Natalie Portman’s tour de force in Black Swan.


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What Mike Meant To Natalie

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NY Mag has a piece featuring actors talking about what the late Mike Nichols meant to them. Natalie has a lot to say and wow, I was quite taken aback at one very honest story in particular. An emotional moment in Natalie’s life that, given the timeline, probably refers to the end of her relationship with Gael Garcia Bernal. It’s clear to see why Nichols held such a big space in her heart.

“I remember Meryl Streep took us all to this Russian place to celebrate the opening [of The Seagull in Central Park]. Mike turned to me and said, “You know, someone at this table almost died of a drug-induced heart incident in the ’80s. Can you guess who it is?” And I was like, Chris Walken? No. John Goodman? No. Phil Hoffman? No. And I went around the entire table—Meryl?!—and he said, “It was me.” [Nichols spoke publicly about his addiction to the sleep aid Halcion.] He was so open about his flaws and his mistakes. I think it was part of his mentorship. Oftentimes, people are so ashamed of their mistakes they want to hide them and pretend to be perfect. He was the opposite. He was perfect, and he had to humanize himself.”


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Knight of Cups Synopsis & Cast

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A. wished in a previous thread for a plot summary and a cast of characters for Knight of Cups, and ScreenDaily and Belerofonte deliver. The former offers a brief, cryptic synopsis of the film:

Once there was a young prince whose father, the king of the East, sent him down into Egypt to find a pearl. But when the prince arrived, the people poured him a cup. Drinking it, he forgot he was the son of a king, forgot about the pearl and fell into a deep sleep.

Rick’s (Christian Bale) father used to read this story to him as a boy.

The road to the East stretches out before him. Will he set forth?

Casting confirmed (so far) after the jump.


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