Natalie Related News


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  Thanks to Belerofonte (via eve21mary) we have a brand new HQ photo of Natalie from InStyle. Not sure if it's a standalone shot or part of a full spread,…

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  No word yet on when the U.S. will get a chance to see Natalie's feature directing and writing debut, A Tale Of Love And Darkness, but it looks like…

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Second JGAG Review

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A second French review for Jane Got A Gun has arrived and while the first was lukewarm at best, this is definitely more positive.

If one is not totally convinced by the narrative twists and a little easier, shape, it imposes the tone. That of a thoroughbred western, sometimes intimate, sometimes thundering, in any case, more than attractive.

The full review in English, courtesy of Google translate and Belerofonte, is after the jump.

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It’s that time where we are blessed with a sprinkle of Natalie news and goodies! Let’s dive right in, shall we?

Firstly, we have a video compilation of Natalie’s films beautifully put together by Clipknot. This ten minute video features Natalie’s filmography from when she was young to now, and each film is accompanied with a quick scene from each respective film and a variety of photographs of various shoots Natalie has done over the years. It is a great piece, and it was found for us by OklahomaBlows. Enjoy!


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Rooney Mathilda

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  Something a bit fun - EdenLiao spotted that Natalie's Weightless co-star, Rooney Mara, dressed up as Mathilda for Halloween with her boyfriend donning the familiar Leon look. I really…

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