Natalie Related News


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  Some odds. Some ends. You know the drill. - First up some great news for Natalie's directorial debut, A Tale of Love and Darkness. The film has distribution, will…

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Natalie in the WJFF

Natalie attended the screening of “A Tale of Love and Darkness” in the Washington Jewish Film Festival Sunday afternoon, and Daily Mail has the first photos of the previous photocall.

Click on the photo to see them:


… also an Instagram photo of the introduction inside the AFI Silver Theatre:


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More Knights

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Looks like it’s going to be a big week for Knight of Cups news, leading up to the (tiny) opening on Friday. It has been a loooong wait to see the film and having seen it last year, it is probably not going to be worth the wait unless you are one of the few in-tune with the very personal and unique presentation that Malick is working with.

– Let’s start with a new video interview from One Big Soul.

– Next up is a new teaser trailer that is really great. The music and the visuals go together beautifully.

– Then we have a couple positive reviews.

The Village Voice calls it sumptuous.

You don’t reason your way through a film like this; you let it wash over you, pull you this way and that.

Or you reject it. Many will run screaming from Knight of Cups, even as some of us are enraptured. At times, Malick almost seems to welcome this polarized response.


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