Natalie Related News

Rouge Dior BTS

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  We have one more new behind-the-scenes photo of Natalie to share before her newest Rouge Dior campaign officially launches this Thursday, thanks to mirtilla_83. Waiting the launch of the…

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Planetarium Tidbits

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Only two days left to start the Venice Film festival, and Planetarium is one of the two Natalie films that will be able to see there. To get you started, here are a few tidbits about the movie…

-First of all, here we have an interview with Natalie and Lily-Rose Depp (in French) for Madame Figaro, in which the two actresses expand on the reasons for making this movie. Here a little excerpt:

Google Translation:

Madame Figaro. – What attracted you to the story, the Planetarium script?

Natalie Portman. -I Have been captivated by the parallel Rebecca Zlotowski established between cinema – this universe where everything is true and false at the same time – and the story of these two sisters who communicate with the afterlife. I always thought that many filmmakers are worn by the dream of making immortal beings with their camera. They achieve elsewhere, such mediums: when I watch a movie with Ava Gardner, I always feel that she is alive, which communicates with it … The movie manages to make us travel the time, as these two sisters, through their spiritualist seances … is this suggestion of of strength and deception? What is certain is that the emotions they generate in the people are true and they really believe communicate with ghosts …

-And here we have another interesting interview, this time with Anaïs Romand, costume designer of the film, in which she talks about the hard work that had to do to make the period costume seen in the movie:

WWD: What were Natalie Portman’s looks?

AR: In the film, Natalie Portman meets a producer played by Emmanuel Salinger, and starts a career as an actress. So there are many different looks — slightly vamp or sophisticated party looks. I dressed her in high-waist, pajama-inspired pants and a lot of shorts. They were very much in fashion on the French Riviera. I also created a silhouette made of pants and a jacket in hemp.


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