Natalie Related News


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Waiting to see a trailer for Song to Song this week, here’s a new ration of Tidbits…

-In the last few hours, several media have echoed the statements that Natalie has made in the last issue of Marie Claire UK, on the disparity in wages between actors and actresses, setting the example of their salary in No Strings Attached, the comedy that starred opposite Ashton Kutcher in 2011. Here is the quote:

“Ashton Kutcher was paid three times as much as me on No Strings Attached. I knew and I went along with it because there’s this thing with ‘quotes’ in Hollywood,” she continued. “His [quote] was three times higher than mine, so they said he should get three times more. I wasn’t as pissed as I should have been. I mean, we get paid a lot, so it’s hard to complain, but the disparity is crazy.”

“Compared to men, in most professions, women make 80 cents to the dollar,” she continued. “In Hollywood, we are making 30 cents to the dollar.”

-It has gone unnoticed, but in the same interview Natalie also talked about the future Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s biopic. The article mentions Mimi Leder (Deep Impact, The Leftovers) as the new film”s director. Hopefully we will have more details about it in the near future…

-Here we have a funny video from W Magazine with lots of actors (including Natalie), trying to sing “I Will Survive”:


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