photoshop’s fate is revealed
Evening Not much on the Nat front tonight but let's see what there is... Here are the results of the photoshop poll: What do you want to do with the…
Evening Not much on the Nat front tonight but let's see what there is... Here are the results of the photoshop poll: What do you want to do with the…
Yawn. Morning. I'll be updating properly a bit later but this is too important to wait. Thanks to Erlend for the FIRST CLOSER TV SPOT. Seeya.
Hiya It seems that EP3 poster from AICN was fake. Shoulda known it was too good to be true. But this trailer description sounds pretty awesome and we should be…
Let's update! Fan11 found a site that had this new Closer pic. Since we're all here I might as well announce that Martin has won the latest photoshop contest for…
Hiya MafiaCrack has found 6 hi res Closer pics, 3 of which are new. And when I say hi res I mean HI F***ING RES BEEATCH! Well hello there. Blonde.…
Evening Anna sent this link to a site reporting on Nat's appearance in Milwaukee. The good news is that it has 3 new pics of Natalie looking...I don't even have…
Hiya Tufkad found some lovely pics of Nat at a Kerry rally in June. Bill bravely restrains himself from jumping on Nat. "Would you like to come back to my…