Eve updates

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Natalie's directorial debut, the short film Eve, will be the first film shown in the short film section of the Venice Film Festival. This will be on the 1st of…

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New font

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As mentioned previously, we're working on a new look for np.com. One of the things that I wanted changed most was our font, which I honestly can't stand anymore. I…

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NP.com artist

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I'm going to keep posting this every so often, until I've got a new artist in place. Hopefully it won't be too long cos I've got a nice idea that…

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For the bored

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Devendra is playing at the Outside Lands Festival in a few hours. You can watch a webcam of the event over here. Professional Nat-spotters might fancy their chances of catching…

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MSN has done a little list of celebs that graduated from college. Natalie gets a mention and a little write up. Nothing too amazing but updates can't all be NY,…

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