Oh c(r)ap

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I´ve passed my monthly bandwidth cap so I´m out of action until midnight tonight. But I´m lighting up the Rach Signal, so hopefully she can come to our rescue with…

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It’s beginning to look more and more like Devendra and Natalie have broken up (note to Clone: Breaking up means there was a relationship to be broken in the first place) and if that is the case I think its fitting that we take a moment to look back at their relationship as we say goodbye to Mr Banhart.

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It’s beginning to look more and more like Devendra and Natalie have broken up (note to Clone: You were right, buddy.) and if that is the case I think its fitting that we take a moment to down cartwheels around our living rooms. After which we can look back at their “relationship”, safe in the knowledge that it has a happy ending.

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