More Paris

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Not only have we now got much better sized versions of the pics from the previous update, but we have 3 new images as well. Enjoy. Click for gallery

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Pea Coat

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Not to be confused with "pee coat". This blog talks about the pea coat as an example of Stuff White People Like. The example is a picture of Natalie and…

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Raging rabbi

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The outrage at the Weeping Wall kiss, the anger at a Hasidic Jew and his family for acting in “NY, I Love You” and now Rabbi Jonathan Freirich is piling in on the Hindu “controversy”. Perhaps the Rabbi should rather spend his time looking at the pain and suffering created by his religion before lashing out at an actress having fun in Bollywood garb. Just a thought.

NATALIE PORTMAN has been dealt a bitter blow just in time for Jewish holy day Yom Kippur – a leading U.S. Rabbi has condemned her portrayal of an Indian princess in a new video.

The Star Wars actress portrays Princess Carmensita Saplingita in ex-boyfriend Devendra Banhart’s new promo for Carmensita – a move that has already upset leading Hindu scholars, who have called for her to publicly apologise for mocking their religion.

And now prominent U.S. Jewish leader Rabbi Jonathan Freirich has called on Israel-born Portman to use the upcoming Day of Atonement to make amends to the Hindus she has offended.


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Worst lines

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EW has put together a list for the 15 Worst Lines of Dialogue, and Natalie has the "honour" of making an appearance. Thanks George. How the hell does "you complete…

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