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The Manic Pixie Dreamgirl debate continues on NPR, with a a short video discussion about this character type and Natalie is mentioned right at the start as "the quintessential MPDG".…

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Dazza’s 10-6 cover picks

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Alright, let’s get this show on the road.


On the face of it, this is a strange choice. Its a bit generic. It’s a bit boring. It’s a bit…blonde. But when I look at the full sized version, it sorta transcends all those things. The raccoon eyes are wonderful (you’ll be hearing this a lot). The hair looks great. The hand in the jeans pocket is hot. Slam dunk, really.

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Holy Toledo

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Natalie will supposedly be giving a talk at a rally for Barack Obama tomorrow. I'm a bit skeptical that the LA rally actually took place last weekend so hopefully this…

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