Nat joins Williams and Polanski in…
...a fake perfume ad? I'd prefer those three in a film but this could be a lot of fun. Francesco Vezzoli, the Italian video artist known for his lavish parodies,…
...a fake perfume ad? I'd prefer those three in a film but this could be a lot of fun. Francesco Vezzoli, the Italian video artist known for his lavish parodies,…
Remember my opinion piece a few months back about the film My Date With Drew and Natalie fans that have gone off the deep end? Well, if not, click the image below to catch up. I’ll wait.
Right, so after that update the emails from the featured “fan” changed. He clearly had read the update and was somewhat confused by the whole thing. I wish I had saved those emails but from what I can remember, he was angry at Natalie for deceiving him or something like that. Despite the fact that his emails go directly into my trash folder and are never even read, let alone replied to, HE had been deceived. Okay, fine. Whatever.
I thought, or maybe I just hoped, that his house of cards would come tumbling down. What was I thinking?
Last week Eve screened at the Stockholm International Film Festival, in the short film competition. Unfortunately it didn't win and the reviews have been limited to a simple "very nice",…
You guys have voted and I've just updated the Paris Je T'aime page with your rating as well as the IMDB and RT ratings. Everyone is on the same page…
The Rate Paris Je T'aime poll will come to an end in the morning. So if you haven't voted yet, get on it. If you have a good idea for…
During the process of putting together chapter 2 of Mathilda, there was a moment where I was liking the early pencil sketch pages so much that I was considering dropping…
I always enjoy it when Natalie releases something written and today she wrote a review, of Sean Penn’s performance in Milk, for Variety. Defamer seem quite impressed and I have to agree. Nicely written and a great sentiment.
“They only need to know one of us,” Harvey Milk explains to his campaign team in the film “Milk.” Sean Penn’s performance as Harvey does exactly that: You learn one man’s story, and his pains and triumphs become your own. It showed me how a great performance can also be a humanitarian act. When we know one character, one story, we recognize him as being of our own flesh and blood. When we understand his feelings, we put ourselves in his position.