Skating vid

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Ming found a couple videos of Natalie filming Isabel at the ice rink in Central Park. I believe we've already had the second clip, which has a committed Natalie throwing…

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Damn I’m tired. Why didn’t I do this earlier? Okay, here goes…

For those of you that haven’t listened to the podcast yet, this will be your first look at the new design for, which Kris is currently putting together.

This will be the 4th version of the site since I’ve been in charge and after 5 years, its a welcome change. Our current design is definitely feeling very dated.

I’ve got a lot to talk about but before I get to the yabbering, click the image below for a good look at the design.


Continue version 4.0

Cover those ears – Podcast time!

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Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah everyone!

Yes, today I can proudly/sheepishly present the first ever podcast. I can’t say its something I’ve thought about doing for all that long, but when Rachel suggested it a few months back I was definitely intrigued. The problem was that, no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t see what we could talk about. Kinda hard to do a podcast if you don’t have any material.

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