The MakingOf skeptics

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So far we’ve had articles that look at MakingOf in a very positive light, but in this update we hear from a couple bloggers who are less sure of its success. Be sure to click the links for the full articles.

First up is Mashable:

Problem is, there’s barely any content. Most of the sections under the “insiders” tab are without a single interview or blog post, while others only have one or two interviews.

Its final section, “community”, is, for now, almost bare, and that is a real shame. There are people certainly interested in film, but there is no message board, social network, or other features to connect with other movie lovers. However, it’s important to note that the site is still beta, and we expect more community features to come on soon.

And then we have The Inquisitor, with similar concerns: (more…)

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Author speaks

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Author, Ayelet Waldman, wrote Love and Other Impossible Pursuits, which was the original title of the film Natalie shot at the end of last year. It's now called 17 Photos…

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Teens like Nat

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A pair of teenage bloggers for the Tribecca Film Festival got to spend two hours chatting to Nat last week. Two hours?!?! You know how many hours I got to…

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New poll + Big Read results

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Okay, I think its definitely time for a post MakingOf launch poll. I know the site still has a long way to go in terms of development, but I’ve tried to cater for those who want a bit more progress before they have their say.

Personally, as a fan of Nat, as a fan of film, as someone who still has modest film making ambitions…this is like the perfect storm…although, wait, the perfect storm was bad wasn’t it? So this is more like the perfect orgasm!

Are you orgasmic or bored by it all?

After the jump we have the poll results for Natalie Big Read story.

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