Eye Witness Accounts

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That sounds quite exciting. In actuality, we just have several mentions from people who saw Natalie at the White House Dinner last weekend.

The first is from a private blog.

Natalie Portman looked a bit tired and out place (she came alone). She sat down behind Dave on the outdoor deck. He was standing, so I told him to block her. I think she needed some alone time from the misc. people coming up to her. She was so tiny, but very beautiful.

That’s kinda cute.

Next up is Glamour.

When I boarded an Amtrak train from NYC to DC this morning, I saw a cute girl a few paces ahead carrying a garment bag, and she looked like she might be headed to the Correspondents Dinner, like me. I decided to make friends. Then I caught up to her, and um, it was Natalie Portman (on AMTRAK! How normal is she?)


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The new NP.COMic should be ready fairly soon, which means the door in closing on the first competition to direct the making of your very own NP.COMic. For every $5 donation you get to have your name placed in the hat once. This past week we got another $10 donation from Bryan (he now has 4 chances to win) and also $20 from Ben. These two guys are Gods among men and their support is HUGELY appreciated. If you want to get your name in for that draw, better hurry…

On the Amazon side of things, I will never recommend anything as highly as I recommend…

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