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Woah, almost forgot this again. Partly because I don’t have any np.comic news, but mostly because we haven’t had any donations in weeks so I’ve got nobody to thank. *sniff*

If you want to support the site or if you just have eyes on shaping your own np.comic, please drop us a donation using the button below.

It’s not long before It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia returns and since the season 4 DVD is due out in a little over a week, this was an easy choice to promote. (more…)

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Earlier today Thierry posted a link to a German article seeming to indicate that Natalie would be lending her voice to a computer game called Venetica. It sounded a bit…

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TIFF Previews

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Anne Thompson, from Indiewire, talks about the films trying to get distribution deals at next weeks Toronto International Film Festival. She focuses on the 10 films that she thinks are…

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Dash Of Colour

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Siversurfer is back with some more colorization's of the black and white Interview pics. Some are more exaggerated than others but they're all pretty cool in their own way. The…

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Gurus Of Gold

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Every year Dave Poland gets together a group of film writers who try and predict how the upcoming Oscar's will turn out. With the season about to kick into high…

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