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A little np.comic update. Jutze is the first winner of the fan draw to send in a detailed breakdown for a comic. I made a couple tiny changes but this is pretty much a Jutze penned comic all the way.

Hopefully I’ll be able to bring that to you in a few days.

Finances with the site are still really tough. I’m forever looking for options to help things in that regard, but its not easy. My latest hurdle straight into a brick wall was in trying to join the Netflix Affiliates program. If anyone works for them or knows someone who does, please drop me a line, because I cannot work something out.

Other than that, please drop us a few bucks if you can spare it. Every $5 will get you into the comic draw and will earn you my eternal thanks.


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Jean Reno

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Below is some old interview footage of Natalie talking up Leon co-star, Jean Reno. I'm not sure if this is new or not, but I doubt anyone will mind. Did…

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