Box Office Update
The swan is still soaring. Black Swan did even better than the early estimates projected and now looks to be in the vicinity of $8.2 million for the weekend. It…
The swan is still soaring. Black Swan did even better than the early estimates projected and now looks to be in the vicinity of $8.2 million for the weekend. It…
Saturday Night Live is largely a painful experience, but every now and then they come up with something really good. Last night they tackled Black Swan and the results are…
Natalie has been named Best Actress from the Central Ohio Film Critics, with Jennifer Lawrence in second place. Black Swan was named 4th Best Film and also nabbed runners up…
We'll be seeing a lot more of these in the coming weeks. Here's Natalie on No Strings Attached, her director, Ashton, Kevin Kline and her other co-stars.
USA Today has a new, and somewhat brief, article with Natalie and Ashton. There's nothing majorly new but a funny quote about Justin Bieber and some more clarification on her…
Black Swan has dropped a couple positions in the charts, due to two new openings, but with another $2.3 million yesterday its looking good for a $7.5 million haul for…
Okay, slightly misleading title. It seems there was a No Strings Attached press conference on Friday, and when asked about what projects she has in the pipeline, she responded, "I'm…
The British Academy have released their longlist, which is a term I don't think I've heard before, but is pretty self explanatory. Black Swan has the most nominations mentions along…