More Luncheon Goodies
In case you missed it, Natalie made a comment, during her brief press room stop yesterday, that kicked up a bit of a buzz. Here's what Anne Thompson wrote about…
In case you missed it, Natalie made a comment, during her brief press room stop yesterday, that kicked up a bit of a buzz. Here's what Anne Thompson wrote about…
Lauren sent in a couple more photos from yesterday's Academy Luncheon. The first has Natalie posing with the 4 other best actress nominees, while the second has ALL the nominees.…
The Academy Awards Nominees Luncheon takes place today, and Natalie should be in attendance. You can see for yourself by tuning into streams on the Oscar site and their Facebook…
Yesterday I was able to FINALLY catch Black Swan. Sitting here, I realize I have literally nothing new to add to the conversation, a conversation that was concluded weeks ago. I am that late guy to the party but for anyone who cares, I’ll share a few thoughts after the jump.
There will probably be some spoilers, but since I’m the last person in the universe to see the film, that shouldn’t be a problem.
We have two For Your Consideration Academy ads today. The first is visually striking and contains some really interesting information. The second uses an image that I couldn't hate more…
- The LA Times has put together a strange Most Beautiful Women In Film list. It doesn't just focus on the present day, but includes the likes of Hepburn and…
No Strings Attached passed $50 million today, and landed in 3rd spot with #8.3 million for the weekend. In 9th or 10th (it's really close, could go either way when…
Empire Magazine has a new promo photo from Thor and enough of this gruff hammer wielding bullshit, here's a simple head shot of Natalie as Jane Foster.