New Poll + Hesher Results

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On other sites I’ve seen a lot of comments along the lines of “she’s been pregnant forever!” and “is that baby ever going to arrive?”. They’re kind of ridiculous because Natalie isn’t some medical marvel. It may SEEM like it’s been a long time but surely these people realize that, actually, it’s probably been about as long as most other pregnancies.

But since we are presumably getting very close now, I thought I’d do a silly poll for you guys to guess when Nat Jnr. will enter the world. Feel free to give your guesses in the comments section as well. Winner gets…errr…bragging rights?

I’m going for June 9, just because it’d be ridiculous to have Natalie, Natalie’s mom and Nat Jnr. all born on the same day.

The Birthday Poll

As for the Hesher results, 50% of voters were raring and ready to watch Hesher in theatres while on the other side of the coin, and this sums up the Hesher situation, only 1 vote was given to “I’ve already seen it”.

Results are after the jump…


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Awwwww. This is the cutest set of candids in a really long time. The snaps are of Benjamin and Natalie after dinner in NY yesterday. It's wonderful to see them…

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You know the drill... - A Dallas indoor soccer team has designed their kit around Black Swan, with swans, scissors (*cough*) and the name of Portman Kunis United. Fantastic job.…

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Carlos Acosta, the ballet dancer who starred in the short that Natalie wrote and directed for “New York, I Love You”, talks about how Natalie helped him find his acting feet.

‘She’s very bright, and she took a very big chance engaging me in New York, I Love You,’ he says. Portman’s piece was about an inter-racial relationship between two separated parents and their daughter.

‘The producers thought she was crazy. On the first day of practice, I was in her apartment reading the script in this dead voice, and I could see these professional actors looking at me and thinking, “This guy is the main character?” I was nervous about translating to that medium, but she kept calm and she never pressured me, and little by little I gained confidence.’


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Hatann Noptmah

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Okay, that's a poor recreation of Natalie's name in Russian. Russians are clearly big fans of Natalie as her 4th place appearance on FHM Russia's 100 Sexiest list would attest.…

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Comic Update

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The last couple weeks I've had some stuff going on, which made it a bit difficult to get my creative juices flowing. Stuff is still ongoing, but I was finally…

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