More Dior Photos

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More photos related to the new Dior campaign with Natalie continue to appear. Here we have a couple of them: the first belongs to the photoshoot made by David Bellemere, and the second is a behind-the-scenes picture of the new promotional video:


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More Telluride Photos

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The Telluride Festival is much more casual than other film festivals, so it’s hard to find official photos. In fact, the only pictures that have been distributed by agencies so far are the first of this post, in which we can see Natalie alongside Angelina Jolie and Emma Stone, two of the protagonists of the festival. After the jump there is also a small compilation of instagram photos. Enjoy…


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Eating Animals Screening

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Natalie, director Christopher Quinn, writer Jonathan Safran Foer and chef, restaurateur and activist Alice Waters have just attended a Q&A following the screening of Eating Animals at the Telluride Festival. Here are the first instagram photos:


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