Annihilation Tidbits

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As the release approaches, the news about Alex Garland’s upcoming film accumulates. We have some of them, in the form of Tidbits:

-Natalie and Oscar Isaac will be at the Jimmy Kimmel Live Show in two different days, promoting the movie. Considering that the premiere will be held next Tuesday, and that Natalie will also be at the Ellen Show on Wednesday, we will have an intense week…

-A new TV spot has launched today, it´s titled “their mission”:


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Annihilation: First Reactions

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It seems that there has been a press screening of the film tonight, with the assistance of Alex Garland. Although the written reviews remain embargoed, here we have the first twitter reactions of the attendees, and they seem to be mostly positive:


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News are happening quickly, so it’s time for some Tidbits…

-Saturday Night Live has released a hilarious Cut-for-time skit, starring Natalie. Here we have it:

-By the way, they have a brand new poster of Stranger Things, season 3 in its instagram … with Natalie as “Eleven”:

More after the jump…


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