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A Little PORTMANIA Goes a Long Way


PORTMANIA IS LOVE and SUGAR!! and the good kind of Cholesterol!

And today we have Puppies and Rainbows! So come on in, the water’s fine…

That’s an old PORTMANIA pic, but as they say “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it!” So we won’t fix it!! 

You saw yesterday the FIRST LOOK at the AppleTV+ series LADY IN THE LAKE! Which starts streaming on July 19th! But what most people don’t know is that it’s not Lady in the Lake at all!

It’s actually the new remake of Anywhere But Here where Natalie plays both parts!!

or maybe not. Maybe it’s a remake of Mars Attacks!


Well, anyway!! find out JULY 19th! Only on AppleTV+!!

Speaking of TV! It’s time for a Natalie Portman FACT! (WARNING: Natalie FACTS can cause serious eye irritation and may cause drowsiness or dizziness. Avoid breathing vapors.)

Natalie FACT! We all know that Natalie loves dogs! But dogs also love NATALIE!  and it’s now being made into an exciting new TV SERIES!!!!

Starting this Fall on Saturday Mornings! It’s the best new show on the planet!

When Five Puppies get rescued from the pound on Natalie Portman’s birthday, they decide they have to give back and help the community. So they form a social group like no other. Amanda, Benny, Gus, Cubby, and Ted, Aided by the wise and beautiful actress herself, NATALIE PORTMAN! Getting into Adventures, Solving Problems, and fighting Climate Change…

It’s Natalie Portman and the PORTMANIA PUPPIES™!!!

They Make Their Dreams Come True! Only on ABC!

And that’s all for DAY 4 OF PORTMANIA 26! Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!! are we all ready?  WE ARE WE ARE!  It’s everything we want! and we’re going to PAY FOR IT!!

And the cost will be PROHIBITIVE!