The coronavirus crisis continues to make headlines worldwide this week. Social distance, kids at home, closed theaters, delayed events and movies … hopefully all of this will be left behind soon. Meanwhile, a few tidbits to make the wait more bearable…
-Speaking of delays, Book Expo, the event Natalie was going to attend to discuss the children’s book to be released in October, will no longer be held in May. All this has been delayed until the end of July.

-After several months of waiting, we can finally see Dolphin Reef, the Disney Nature documentary narrated by Natalie. This will be released on April 3 on Disney +.

-Ilustrator and art director Rory Martinez has published on instagram a great “Black Swan” fan art:
–We got this covered reported a couple of days ago that Warner would be eyed Natalie to play Circe, the Wonder Woman villain in a hypothetical third part of the DC franchise. Knowing that most of the rumors on this page are pure speculation without any real basis, it is unlikely that this will happen….
-What is certain is that Natalie will play Jane Foster again in Thor: Love and Thunder. CBR has an interesting video about how the character could become the Mighty Thor, thanks to her exposure to the reality stone during the events of “The Dark World”: