A few odds and ends today. Mostly ends.
– Starting with the news that Natalie came 4th in Forbes’ Best Actor For Their Buck list. They calculate the gross of a stars last 3 films and then divide that by the actors salary. And if that sounds like a moronic formula to determine bang for buck, you’d be dead right. Nice to see Natalie so high up but the list is offensively dumb and tells us almost nothing.
– Amo has been running our Tumblr, which featured a new find every day from our extensive collection of Natalie photos. Unfortunately, the page has become more like Squatr, as Amo has been too busy of late and can no longer update it. If someone out there wants to take up the reins, please drop me a line. Preferably someone familiar with Tumblr, the Natalie photo library and who has been around the site for awhile.
– On a more positive note, we passed 10k followers on our Twitter feed recently. Pretty good going, even if half of that are bots and people that think I’m Natalie.