Prepare for the bad hair.

A week ago we mentioned that there are reports that Ridley Scott is interested in Natalie starring in his upcoming Gucci project. I’ve now gotten confirmation that Natalie is being sought after for the role, but there’s still a long way to go for the project, so this is definitely not a certainty at this stage.
I’ve been told that Natalie IS reading scripts again, so hopefully Thor 2 won’t be her only time in front of a camera next year.
A Variety piece, from two years ago, summarizes the storyline.
Patrizia Reggiano, who was sentenced to 29 years in jail for plotting the murder of her ex-husband, Maurizio Gucci.
…drama that recaptures the glamorous days of the Gucci family dynasty in the 1970s and ’80s, when the family was selling $500 million in product annually. Squabbles hobbled the clan until Maurizio, the grandson of founder Guccio Gucci, came out on top of a power struggle to run the family business. Just when he was about to reestablish the brand name by debuting a line designed by newcomer — and now film director — Tom Ford, Maurizio was gunned down in front of his Milan apartment in 1995.