This is a real surprise but definitely a pleasant one. Paste Magazine has put up their list of their 20 favourite films of the year thus far. You’ve got some popular choices like Super 8 and Rango as well as a healthy dose of smaller interesting choices as well.

In second place on their list is Hesher and here’s what they had to say:
It’s safe to say you haven’t encountered a film character like Joseph Gordon Levitt’s title character in Spencer Susser’s fantastic Hesher. He loves pornography, heavy metal, trespassing, arson, and many other chaotic pursuits, but he pursues them with such an unselfconscious near-innocence that he’s an immediately compelling character. Hesher manages to be at once a sober and bighearted look at grief and loss, and a hilarious ride with the most enjoyably anarchistic character in ages.
Rachel and I will be sharing our own Hesher thoughts later this week.