Dazza asked me to post my thoughts on Your Highness, so if you don’t mind my incoherent ramblings, here goes. Most people who frequent the forum probably know I was looking forward to this one. With David Gordon Green, Danny McBride and the great leads on board, how could it go wrong? Even after all of the terrible reviews poured in, I still tried to keep an open mind.

Wow, this was bad. Half-baked doesn’t really begin to describe Your Highness (no pun intended). For a film that took so long to produce, why did it feel so rushed and sloppy? There was a very distinct “we’re making this shit up as we go along” feel. Was there a script editor? Did it even have a script?
It got a couple of chuckles out of me, but to be honest, this was really fucking boring. I had assumed it was supposed to be a witty, raunchy parody of bad fantasy movies. Instead it was just a bad fantasy movie with some F-bombs and dick jokes thrown in. There was entirely too much playing it straight and not nearly enough comedy. And most of the humor that was there felt aimed at children rather than an adult audience. I have a fairly juvenile sense of humor, but I was still groaning throughout most of it. Even the bits that were funny in the trailer fell totally flat within the context of the movie.
Your Highness is the perfect example of a good concept poorly executed. It was a total waste of time for everyone involved, including the audience. I really wanted to like it. Perhaps I should have lowered my expectations. Maybe I would have appreciated it more 13 years ago. Maybe I should have been stoned. There was a potentially hilarious movie hiding in there somewhere, though.
On the Natalie side of things, I think she walked away from this one unscathed. And for once her terribad English accent was totally appropriate. Incidentally, things actually seemed to improve a bit as soon as her character appeared. Too bad it was halfway through the movie.