Iza was kind enough to do a full translation of Benjamin’s Natalie related comments from the French Elle article.

“After the performance, I need to go out. Natalie is in the audience or she joins me after the show. We often go to the restaurant at the bottom (?) of our home to dine with close relations with whom I share a passion for dance. My family in New York, in a way. I do not smoke but I like to drink one or two glasses of wine, it is the best way to relax ! I have a lot of friends coming from other artistic fields – music, literature…
With Natalie, I discovered the world of cinema, it is brand new for me. I met Terrence Malick, Tom Tykwer… I love directors, their visual world which is very rich and the fascinating conversations we have. I love to surround myself with creators, it is stimulating and, sometimes, we happen to work together. For instance, I am very close to Kate and Laura Mulleavy, Rodarte’s creators, they are going to design costumes for one of my next choreographies for the New York City Ballet.
Back home, if I feel a pain in my body, I treat it with some ice. Very often, I take a hot bath to relax. Around 1 a.m., I finally calm down and my night begins. I cannot sleep through it because now I constantly wake up to see my baby sleeping.”