An interesting tidbit was hidden within a Your Highness set report over on Viceland.
You might recall that Natalie was strongly linked with David Gordon Green’s (the Your Highness director) Suspiria remake. Suspiria is a classic horror film from Dario Argento, and the setting is a ballet school. I kept getting told it wasn’t true, but when Natalie was seen doing ballet lessons (below left) and then meeting Green (below right), it was hard to deny those rumours.

Of course, both were explained away by Black Swan and Your Highness coming to fruition. However, Green is still being linked to a remake of Suspiria and if what Vice say is true, Green was not very impressed with Aronofsky’s Black Swan and Vice agrees with that statement and then some.
Back in Manhattan, production was just ramping up on Black Swan. In an odd casting twist, Portman had been attached back in the summer of ‘08 to star as the lead dancer in Green’s planned remake of Dario Argento’s Suspiria. While the remake remains on his radar–Green doesn’t feel the original is untouchable as many fans do–Portman is no longer involved. In the aftermath of Black Swan’s financial success and accolades, it seems there’s no rush. But was a rivalry brewing? Last fall, when I visited the set of Green’s The Sitter in Long Island City (a Jonah Hill coke-run comedy due this August), Green admitted to being, well, nonplussed by Swan. (Personally, I think the flick clinches Darren Aronofsky as the art-house charlatan of a generation. His films simply don’t hold up).
Personally, while I obviously disagree with Green on this one, I would love to see his Suspiria remake. Green is in comedy mode in recent years but before that made some brilliant small drama’s that hit as hard as any horror film.
One things for sure, we’re not going to be seeing Natalie slipping on those ballet shoes again.