Some Friends WIth Benefits Details

In Hollywood they have something called The Black List, but it doesn’t refer to something bad and you can’t find Morgan Freeman on it. Instead, this list is the top screenplays to not go before cameras yet.

Last years list had Friends With Benefits in the number 6 spot, although under its previous less politically correct title. That’s probably good news although one could argue that film execs, whose votes determine the list rankings, don’t know what they’re doing more often than not. Nevertheless, here’s a summary from Nikki Finke’s posting of and about the 2008 list.

6. F***buddies by Liz Meriwether
It’s About: Emma and Adam have the best relationship ever! They’re twentysomething pals who, you know, do it. A lot. But then Adam goes and falls in love with Emma and ruins everything. Can their perfect non-union survive? It’s Like: When Harry Met Sally… for the Juno generation. Status: Ivan Reitman’s company is developing it.