Rachel’s PIC OF THE DAY:

Alive and 28! this is the one we’ve all been waiting for! when we first started PORTMANIA we all said “This will be good when she turns 28. That is the one we are waiting for!” and now it’s HERE. and the tears a flowing, folks, i’m not ashamed to say.
Also, on this fine PORTMANIAN Day children around the world have walked out on the sidewalk and are singing the theme song to “Under The Umbrella Tree” in Honor of Natalie’s 28 years. we weren’t lying about this one being a good one. The Kids of the world got together and decided that Under the Umbrella Tree was the perfect song for PORTMANIA after much debate. second runner up was, of course, the theme to Denver the Last Dinosaur. a painful decision, but i think the right song was picked.
well, let’s start the CELEBRATION TODAY with some wallpapers and things.
First up two more From Rachel.
Well. that thumb isn’t working but the pic does. so you go ahread and click on the X.
Dazza here. Its fixed. Must be a Portmania miracle!
Good old Sak finally chips in this PORTMANIA with a cool birthday wish:
Silversurfer sends in two wallpapers with CAKE!
WAIT! It’s A NATALIE PORTMAN FACT! (WARNING! Natalie FACTS always cross the street without looking both ways)
Natalie Portman FACT! Natalie, being the leading mind in Robotics for our country, invented a ROBOT that could do all the math for us. but then someone pointed out to Natalie that we had calculators all over the friggin place already. Natalie was totally bummed because her new friend JAX438 was totally useless at parties and stuff. so she reprogrammed him to make ice cream and everyone on Earth was happy forever. IT’S A FACT.
to continue…
Another two wallpapers this time from Imakemloose69!
Natalie with Blue eyes and Feeling COLD:
Postcards from PORTMANIA:
Kitten jumps in with a wallpaper about red hair and the moon.
Steve sends in one about natalie jumping in a lake!
and fially Jonah sends in this wallpaper about eyes and sleeping.
WELL. that’s it for this PORTMANIA XI. Thanks to Everyone who got in the spirit. and thanks to Rachel for making a THING A DAY. and thanks to NATALIE PORTMAN for turning older and making movies about stuff. and, of course, for making the ice cream ROBOT that saved the world. There could be NO PORTMANIA WITHOUT IT.
AND SO. last thoughts. ANOTHER complete failure of PORTMANIA. but at least this one COULD HAVE BEEN WORSE! and that’s the way we look at things. I had a dream last night where i learned that Monkeys don’t grow on Trees. and it’s true. and i think that’s what we’ve all learned this PORTMANIA. all of us are together in the CRAZY World. and sometimes when people honk their horns at us in traffic we get angry. but then we remember Monkeys in Trees who are not organically part of that tree and say “PORTMANIA FOREVER!” and everything is fine.