I hope you guys aren’t tired of these MakingOf updates yet, because here’s another write-up, this time on the launch party last Friday from The Love Of Fashion. And don’t forget to check the gallery for new pictures from Guest Of A Guest, as well as hi-res versions of old ones.
If Natalie Portman is used to walking into a room and having all eyes landing on her, she had some tough competition on Friday night, when art world dabbler Stuart Parr threw a party in honor of her new Web site, www.makingof.com, at his recently renovated Tribeca pad. Guests at the fête, which was co-hosted by Interview’s Christopher Bollen and Glenn O’Brien, entered the apartment via the indoor pool room and had full access to half a dozen bedrooms in various stages of completion. “He finished it just in time for the recession,” his ladyfriend Allison Sarofim jested. After a tour of Parr’s digs, though, most everyone went back to Portman gazing. The actress, who mingled with Anne Hathaway, Debbie Harry, and Rashida Jones, talked up her new site, which, as its name suggests, is devoted to all things behind the scenes. “The idea happened pretty organically: I was having dinner with a friend who worked in Silicon Valley and knows a lot about what’s on the Internet, and we asked ourselves, ‘Why isn’t there a Web site devoted to this kind of stuff?'” Portman explained. No lazy lady, she sought out the domain name—”it was already taken, but we got it for cheap”—and started collecting B-roll footage and backstage material, putting together a site that has subjects as varied as Billy Bob Thornton and Michel Gondry. Portman herself does an interview, too, for those of us that didn’t get enough face time at the party. “It’s a brilliant idea,” Max Minghella said. “And one I’m surprised no one has thought of yet. Leave it to Natalie Portman…”