After much blood (paper cuts), sweat (I live in Africa) and tears (Whale Rider was on) I can finally give you guys chapter 2 of our Mathilda comic.
Personally, I’m a lot more satisfied with this chapter. It’s a lot less visually rigid (mind out of the gutter please) as chapter 1 and, for me at least, a definite improvement. Still very much a learning process but I’m definitely happy and proud.
Here’s hoping you guys feel the same way. Please remember that this comic is for adults. I will take no responsibility for the warping children’s minds. You’ve been warned, Clone.
Check out the pages after the click.
A big thanks to the artist, Christophe, our benefactors Charlie and Nick, and Rachel for helping with the font.
The funding goes entirely to the artist so, if you have some spare cash, donations would be as welcome as an ice cream on a sunny day.