It’s beginning to look more and more like Devendra and Natalie have broken up (note to Clone: Breaking up means there was a relationship to be broken in the first place) and if that is the case I think its fitting that we take a moment to look back at their relationship as we say goodbye to Mr Banhart.
The first time we heard of Natalie and Devendra in the same breath was when she asked him to contribute a song for her FINCA charity album. In this EW article she talks about loving the freak folk scene of music, of which Devendra is a part. The next time we heard about the two of them was when Natalie agreed to return the favour and star in Devendra’s new music video for Carmensita, which turned out to be deliciously fun and silly.
Sparks must have flown while shooting the video because it wasn’t long before they were spotted back in NY looking VERY friendly.

Okay, scratch friendly.

Devendra’s unconventional looks and his boundary pushing sense of style had Natalie fans confused. Natalie couldn’t REALLY be dating him, could she? Her past relationships have always been with really pretty guys.
Any reasonable doubt was quickly tossed aside as Natalie was snapped with him again. And again. And again. If nothing else, we can thank Devendra for encouraging the public relationship shy Natalie to come out in the open. My quick count came up with at least 21 one sets of photos with the two of them. When you consider the outlay of her past relationships, that’s a super human effort.
Granted, that fact is more beneficial to us fans than it was to Natalie but I don’t think anyone can argue that she looked incredibly comfortable and happy with him. Haters would say too happy…

…but if you haven’t ever had moments of silliness like this then a career in accountancy at the local nunnery/monastary awaits.
Every now and then Devendra cleaned up a bit and won over more fans, especially women who started to see the hunk under all the fuzz.

In May, Natalie was a jury member at the Cannes Film Festival and it wasn’t long before Devendra hopped on a plane to join her. They were seen sharing a romantic meal together and he even escorted her on the red carpet.

A brief visit to Israel followed Cannes, giving Devendra the chance to give another middle finger to conventions in the form of the tightest shorts imaginable. Ego be damned.

Another big event was having Devendra talk about Natalie in an interview. His comments couldn’t have been more sweet natured.
“Natalie is one of the best persons that I have met in my life. She is funny and entertaining”. They met in the recording of the video ‘Carmensita’. ” It was very rare. I do not know how it happened, but it happened. She is very humane, that day she bought me lunch “.
Captivated by the beauty and the charisma of Portman he admits that he avoids seeing her in certain movies as Closer. “I cannot watch when she is kissing others”, he admits unexpectedly candid.
He was back in suave mode for her birthday in NY and I think his popularity amongst Natalie fans was at an all time high.

But the worm was about to turn….into traffic.
It all started with her moving to LA to be with him. Dev spending months in NY and following her around overseas was one thing but her following him to LA? Outrageous! At least that’s how it was seen by most.

Dev got back to work with his band, Megapuss, who are an exercise in spontaneity and fun. Their first gig had Devendra wearing a dildo adorned skirt. It would have been yawn inducing during Madonna’s most popular years but now, because people don’t really get it, Natalie must be in harms way.
Dev wearing dildo skirts and penis nose masks = boo.
Nat rapping about humping strangers, shitting in shoes, slitting throats, killing dogs and taking drugs = yay
The LA paparazzi, being too busy trying to snap the 643rd shot of Paris Hilton’s underwear, never really caught on to wherever Dev and Nat spent their time. We know she was seen at a few of Devendra’s concerts and some time during the summer they were spotted in Hawaii but this period is all a bit of a mystery and there’s no photographs depicting the breaking down of the relationship. However, the last time they were snapped together did not have them looking their closest.

So, if the break up is true, so long Devendra. Natalie will have a hard time finding someone as unique and kind hearted as you.
“I think every day is peppered with opportunities for happiness. Being happy is so much about letting yourself be happy. And once you get out of the realm of relying on anything other than your heart, it makes it a lot easier.” – Devendra Banhart
What a guy.
Finally, enjoy this special wallpaper that Rachel put together.