Time for a bumper update, bringing together several smaller bits of news out of Venice.
Firstly, on Monday night Natalie made an appearance at the Gucci Group Awards. We’ve been waiting for non watermarked pics to surface, so we could set up a gallery but, so far, nadda.
Hopefully someone out there might be able to help.
– I wasn’t a big fan of that dress but Go Fug Yourself REALLY didn’t get it. However, they have a theory…
– In this radio interview, Natalie mentions that she didn’t want to act in her first film as a director, which was probably a smart move. You can listen to the whole interview over here.
– A nice quote from her Humanity award acceptance speech:
Accepting the award, she said: “The Jane Goodall foundation does incredible work in Tanzania, an area which is very environmentally affected. I really appreciate this award.”
– Lastly, if you’re a long time visitor to the site, you ought to get a kick out of this headline.