We begin tonight with an article about the directing threesome, Skinny, and their must unusual music video – Carmensita. Click here for the full story but below we have the Natalie mentions as well as a new small image from the set. It’s just her back but it puts many fronts to shame.

After we somehow convince management to allow us to make a Bollywood video, they tell us that Natalie Portman has been invited to play the lead role. Apparently Devendra had given her a song for a charity compilation, so he asked if she would return the favor
Natalie brought her friend Lucas Haas to set, who we convinced to make an appearance as a flamboyant Ali Baba on acid.
Thanks Fanatical.
Next up is a funny little blurb about the Dour Music Festival, taken from the Popbitch newsletter. Thanks to Soraya.
Of more interest to press was the news that Natalie Portman was on the guest list. They swarmed around the press entrance for hours, to the bemusement of ex-Sneaker Pimp Chris Corner, from IAMX, who had invited a girl to meet him there called Natalie. He couldn’t remember her surname, so had guessed at Portman because it sounded familiar.
Finally, Pasha sent word that there is an upcoming art exhibit that this artist will be contributing Natalie photographs towards. Now, unless I’m missing something, he’s just grabbed high res Natalie images, rasterbated them and…voila…art? I can do that!
I’ll be back tomorrow with a new poll. And cookies.