Today Omgzrachel officially joins the staff and I’ve just added her details to the Staff page. She’ll be taking care of the galleries as Pasha departs. I just want to give a HUGE thanks to Pasha. Not only has she done a ton of work in the very annoying old image system but she also helped tremendously with the news and filled in with updates when I was asleep or on holiday. On top of that she was really great to work with and will definitely be missed.
Hopefully she will still frequent the community and continue to contribute in a less official capacity.
So Omgzrachel (who I’m going to call Rachel from now on cos that’s a real pain to type out) has big shoes/boots/bras to follow but I think she’ll do a great job. The past few months she has been creating DVD captures where our galleries were lacking and now that the new image gallery is up we can finally start to share them.
Today, almost 400 caps from…

And now, FINALLY, we can do the poll. Here’s what I wrote yesterday…
The hair style poll went over really well. We received almost 1300 votes, which is pretty good going in such a short time. Here are the results.
Which is your favourite hair style?
Naturally wavy 31.65% (408 votes)
Long and straight 16.37% (211 votes)
Short 13.19% (170 votes)
Bobbed 13.11% (169 votes)
Medium length 9.39% (121 votes)
Curly 8.77% (113 votes)
Shaved 4.5% (58 votes)
None of the choices are close to my favourite hair style. 2.48% (32 votes)
My personal favourite is probably the ultra short look from Hotel Chevalier. But, hell, Nat is going to rock most hair cuts…except dreadlocks…*shudder*
We’re now able to continue rating Natalie’s films. For those who missed out last time, I am adding the RT and IMDB score to each filmography page. I thought it’d be cool to also include a rating voted by you guys. A week or two back we did her first film, The Professional, but I then realized we needed an 11th poll option for those who haven’t seen the film that is being rated.
Our poll system could only do 10 options at a time but Kris has now fixed that, so we’re ready to continue. I think we can skip Developing, as its not just a short film but a student film as well. One that very few have seen anyway. If you’re clenching your firsts right now, feel free to let me know how wrong I am and I might reconsider.
But for now…
Seeya tomorrow.